Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Are we a Racist Nation?

1.     The author of this article is Graeme Innes and his job profession is a Race Discrimination Commissioner.
2.    Graeme Innes works for The National Press Club and his job is to try and figure out if there is racism present in Australia.
3.    The author states that the beginning of a racist comment often starts with, “I’m not racist because…” I have heard someone say this statement before, they said, “I’m not racist because I don’t say anything offensive to the race, only to other people.”
4.    50% of Australians are born overseas or have overseas parents.
5.    A monoculture is the use of land for growing only one type of crop.
6.    There are many welcome benefits of online technology. These include connecting the worlds Indigenous peoples and ethnic minority groups by sharing stories, co-ordinating their work, and organising themselves in a manor which is changing the world dramatically
7.    There are also many unwelcome results of online social media. The proliferation of race-hate websites and materials breeds and incites real world hatred. Cyber-racism complaints have more than doubled in the past couple of years. Racism online can result into racism in classrooms, workplaces and communities.
8.    Racism online is so dangerous as you can stay connected with them non-stop. It also causes extreme bullying in the form of words, so no one knows who made the comment.
9.    Racism online can be stopped by bringing in anti-bullying companies and campaigns into schools and communities to teach those who do not understand the torment of racism. Certain websites and chat rooms can be closed down when inappropriate comments are made.
10. The author simply states that to stop racism, “We must call it when we see it, when the talkback show host, the internet friend, or the person sitting next to us starts their sentence with the seemingly innocent, but loaded phrase, ''I'm not racist, but . . .''”

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